Keep your students ahead of the learning curve with Canvas. Deliver dynamic, engaging learning experiences. For every student. Everywhere. Every day. Canvas is a robust digital foundation for all aspects of vocation learning and continuing education. No wonder it’s the fastest growing LMS in the world.

SEBDATA is the New Zealand retailer of Canvas by Instructure, the #1 fastest growing LMS in the world. A cloud based SaaS learning management system for the Higher Education, K-12 and Vocational market. SEBDATA has a great relationship with the global team of Canvas by Instructure and our staff members are accredited consultants.

Education tools that play well with others.

Rubrics. Modules. Calendars. Schedules. Quizzes. Syllabi. Analytics. SpeedGrader! (Cue angels singing.) Canvas has so many whiz-bang features that will add pizzazz to your courses. And don’t even get us started about the integrations. The Canvas API buddies right up with tools like Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Adobe, and hundreds of other technology partners to deliver one centralised learning hub.

Apps for training and apps for learning.

Canvas LMS has top-rated mobile apps for both trainers and students that give everyone access to just what they need on the go. Trainers can engage with students whenever and wherever through native mobile notifications and Canvas apps that boast best-in-class data security and accessibility—not to mention SpeedGrader, which can cut grading time by 50%.

Give everyone a voice.

Trainers can communicate with individual students, groups, or the entire class through messaging, audio notes, video, and more. And students can collaborate amongst themselves via chat group, video, and other messaging tools.

Just a call away

Canvas by Instructure customers will receive world class support by the SEBDATA team based in New Zealand who have deep knowledge of the platform and are experienced in content development.

All functionality. No fluff.

Undivided Attention, Please

Enrich lessons with video and audio and even keep up face-to-face interactions from inside the Canvas LMS.

99.9% Uptime

Everybody needs a little downtime. But not because your learning management platform crashed. With Canvas, your educational ecosystem keeps the learning going strong.

Go, SpeedGrader!

Provide targeted feedback with annotations. Use rubrics for scoring. Share comments via video. Add grades to the gradebook and quickly create powerful, actionable reports about student progress.

Unlimited File Size

Pile on as much audio, visuals, and video as you’d like to enrich students’ learning experiences.

Alternative Text