a tool for every business activity

SEBDATA offers software tools to run your business operations smoothly. From the management and setting up of licenses to the setting up and hosting of applications, SEBDATA has you covered.

Business Operations

In the information age, it is inescapable that all modern businesses rely on some form of information technology (IT) software to run part of – if not all – their business operations. If a part of your business has its own identifiable function, there probably is a piece of software for it out there in the sea of IT tools that can be harnessed to save you time and money. But which one to use? Luckily, here at SEBDATA we can present to you a suite of the most up-to-date and popular choices when it comes to business IT software to make you more efficient; our team have many years of IT and business experience so we are well positioned to provide you with solutions at the intersection of these two worlds.

Software Licensing

At SEBDATA we present the leading edge of information technology software that can take your business to the next level. Not only can we recommend some of the best online IT tools for you to implement in your business to unlock hidden value, but we are also able to set up and license many of these for you. While you could individually source these independently, only at SEBDATA will a team of dedicated professionals procure a mix that is tailor-made for you and your needs, and then set up the licenses for you so that you only need interact with one organization for all your IT questions. Let us be your one-stop shop for IT tools!

License Administration

Here at SEBDATA we are able to create software licenses, assign these to you and your users, and then assist you with all associated onboarding procedures including signing on/logging on for the first time, how to edit features of your login, as well as basic usage of the software.

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License Management

Beyond the aspects of licenses that you would be able to edit by yourself, the SEBDATA team are able to manage these licenses from an operational perspective. Any issues when it comes to license functionality you can approach us and we can work with you to troubleshoot these.

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Outsourcing IT Services

Here at SEBDATA we can help you by taking on and performing the IT services that you do not have the capacity to meet. This can be done in a variety of ways, the main way being through application setup, application hosting, and information storage.

Application Setup

SEBDATA consultants are well versed in setting up applications for new users. These applications can range from simple Microsoft Office products that most office workers are already familiar with, to more targeted applications that zero-in on a specialized business function for example database and business intelligence applications as well as online electronic signature applications. SEBDATA consultants also sit on a bed of experience with a wide variety of users, which means we know how to tailor our application setup to suit the needs of users, taking into account how familiar they are with the application itself and IT systems in general. We work at a pace that suits you.

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Application Hosting

Some applications require hosting to enable their services. Unfortunately, not all organizations have the capacity to host these application services within their existing IT infrastructure. In cases like this, for the application products that we have available SEBDATA are able to host these and issue accounts/logins as required. Please see the "Application Setup" section above for more information about this.

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